/* * SJS 6.12.1 * Minimal SystemJS Build */ (function () { function errMsg(errCode, msg) { return (msg || "") + " (SystemJS https://git.io/JvFET#" + errCode + ")"; } var hasSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined'; var hasSelf = typeof self !== 'undefined'; var hasDocument = typeof document !== 'undefined'; var envGlobal = hasSelf ? self : global; var baseUrl; if (hasDocument) { var baseEl = document.querySelector('base[href]'); if (baseEl) baseUrl = baseEl.href; } if (!baseUrl && typeof location !== 'undefined') { baseUrl = location.href.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; var lastSepIndex = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSepIndex !== -1) baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, lastSepIndex + 1); } var backslashRegEx = /\\/g; function resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) { if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1) relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/'); // protocol-relative if (relUrl[0] === '/' && relUrl[1] === '/') { return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1) + relUrl; } // relative-url else if (relUrl[0] === '.' && (relUrl[1] === '/' || relUrl[1] === '.' && (relUrl[2] === '/' || relUrl.length === 2 && (relUrl += '/')) || relUrl.length === 1 && (relUrl += '/')) || relUrl[0] === '/') { var parentProtocol = parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1); // Disabled, but these cases will give inconsistent results for deep backtracking //if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] !== '/') // throw Error('Cannot resolve'); // read pathname from parent URL // pathname taken to be part after leading "/" var pathname; if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length + 1] === '/') { // resolving to a :// so we need to read out the auth and host if (parentProtocol !== 'file:') { pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + 2); pathname = pathname.slice(pathname.indexOf('/') + 1); } else { pathname = parentUrl.slice(8); } } else { // resolving to :/ so pathname is the /... part pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] === '/')); } if (relUrl[0] === '/') return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length - 1) + relUrl; // join together and split for removal of .. and . segments // looping the string instead of anything fancy for perf reasons // '../../../../../z' resolved to 'x/y' is just 'z' var segmented = pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relUrl; var output = []; var segmentIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < segmented.length; i++) { // busy reading a segment - only terminate on '/' if (segmentIndex !== -1) { if (segmented[i] === '/') { output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex, i + 1)); segmentIndex = -1; } } // new segment - check if it is relative else if (segmented[i] === '.') { // ../ segment if (segmented[i + 1] === '.' && (segmented[i + 2] === '/' || i + 2 === segmented.length)) { output.pop(); i += 2; } // ./ segment else if (segmented[i + 1] === '/' || i + 1 === segmented.length) { i += 1; } else { // the start of a new segment as below segmentIndex = i; } } // it is the start of a new segment else { segmentIndex = i; } } // finish reading out the last segment if (segmentIndex !== -1) output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex)); return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length) + output.join(''); } } /* * Import maps implementation * * To make lookups fast we pre-resolve the entire import map * and then match based on backtracked hash lookups * */ function resolveUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) { return resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) || (relUrl.indexOf(':') !== -1 ? relUrl : resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl('./' + relUrl, parentUrl)); } function resolveAndComposePackages (packages, outPackages, baseUrl, parentMap, parentUrl) { for (var p in packages) { var resolvedLhs = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(p, baseUrl) || p; var rhs = packages[p]; // package fallbacks not currently supported if (typeof rhs !== 'string') continue; var mapped = resolveImportMap(parentMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(rhs, baseUrl) || rhs, parentUrl); if (!mapped) { targetWarning('W1', p, rhs); } else outPackages[resolvedLhs] = mapped; } } function resolveAndComposeImportMap (json, baseUrl, outMap) { if (json.imports) resolveAndComposePackages(json.imports, outMap.imports, baseUrl, outMap, null); var u; for (u in json.scopes || {}) { var resolvedScope = resolveUrl(u, baseUrl); resolveAndComposePackages(json.scopes[u], outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] || (outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] = {}), baseUrl, outMap, resolvedScope); } for (u in json.depcache || {}) outMap.depcache[resolveUrl(u, baseUrl)] = json.depcache[u]; for (u in json.integrity || {}) outMap.integrity[resolveUrl(u, baseUrl)] = json.integrity[u]; } function getMatch (path, matchObj) { if (matchObj[path]) return path; var sepIndex = path.length; do { var segment = path.slice(0, sepIndex + 1); if (segment in matchObj) return segment; } while ((sepIndex = path.lastIndexOf('/', sepIndex - 1)) !== -1) } function applyPackages (id, packages) { var pkgName = getMatch(id, packages); if (pkgName) { var pkg = packages[pkgName]; if (pkg === null) return; if (id.length > pkgName.length && pkg[pkg.length - 1] !== '/') { targetWarning('W2', pkgName, pkg); } else return pkg + id.slice(pkgName.length); } } function targetWarning (code, match, target, msg) { console.warn(errMsg(code, [target, match].join(', ') )); } function resolveImportMap (importMap, resolvedOrPlain, parentUrl) { var scopes = importMap.scopes; var scopeUrl = parentUrl && getMatch(parentUrl, scopes); while (scopeUrl) { var packageResolution = applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, scopes[scopeUrl]); if (packageResolution) return packageResolution; scopeUrl = getMatch(scopeUrl.slice(0, scopeUrl.lastIndexOf('/')), scopes); } return applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.imports) || resolvedOrPlain.indexOf(':') !== -1 && resolvedOrPlain; } /* * SystemJS Core * * Provides * - System.import * - System.register support for * live bindings, function hoisting through circular references, * reexports, dynamic import, import.meta.url, top-level await * - System.getRegister to get the registration * - Symbol.toStringTag support in Module objects * - Hookable System.createContext to customize import.meta * - System.onload(err, id, deps) handler for tracing / hot-reloading * * Core comes with no System.prototype.resolve or * System.prototype.instantiate implementations */ var toStringTag = hasSymbol && Symbol.toStringTag; var REGISTRY = hasSymbol ? Symbol() : '@'; function SystemJS () { this[REGISTRY] = {}; } var systemJSPrototype = SystemJS.prototype; systemJSPrototype.import = function (id, parentUrl) { var loader = this; return Promise.resolve(loader.prepareImport()) .then(function() { return loader.resolve(id, parentUrl); }) .then(function (id) { var load = getOrCreateLoad(loader, id); return load.C || topLevelLoad(loader, load); }); }; // Hookable createContext function -> allowing eg custom import meta systemJSPrototype.createContext = function (parentId) { var loader = this; return { url: parentId, resolve: function (id, parentUrl) { return Promise.resolve(loader.resolve(id, parentUrl || parentId)); } }; }; function loadToId (load) { return load.id; } function triggerOnload (loader, load, err, isErrSource) { loader.onload(err, load.id, load.d && load.d.map(loadToId), !!isErrSource); if (err) throw err; } var lastRegister; systemJSPrototype.register = function (deps, declare) { lastRegister = [deps, declare]; }; /* * getRegister provides the last anonymous System.register call */ systemJSPrototype.getRegister = function () { var _lastRegister = lastRegister; lastRegister = undefined; return _lastRegister; }; function getOrCreateLoad (loader, id, firstParentUrl) { var load = loader[REGISTRY][id]; if (load) return load; var importerSetters = []; var ns = Object.create(null); if (toStringTag) Object.defineProperty(ns, toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); var instantiatePromise = Promise.resolve() .then(function () { return loader.instantiate(id, firstParentUrl); }) .then(function (registration) { if (!registration) throw Error(errMsg(2, id )); function _export (name, value) { // note if we have hoisted exports (including reexports) load.h = true; var changed = false; if (typeof name === 'string') { if (!(name in ns) || ns[name] !== value) { ns[name] = value; changed = true; } } else { for (var p in name) { var value = name[p]; if (!(p in ns) || ns[p] !== value) { ns[p] = value; changed = true; } } if (name && name.__esModule) { ns.__esModule = name.__esModule; } } if (changed) for (var i = 0; i < importerSetters.length; i++) { var setter = importerSetters[i]; if (setter) setter(ns); } return value; } var declared = registration[1](_export, registration[1].length === 2 ? { import: function (importId) { return loader.import(importId, id); }, meta: loader.createContext(id) } : undefined); load.e = declared.execute || function () {}; return [registration[0], declared.setters || []]; }, function (err) { load.e = null; load.er = err; throw err; }); var linkPromise = instantiatePromise .then(function (instantiation) { return Promise.all(instantiation[0].map(function (dep, i) { var setter = instantiation[1][i]; return Promise.resolve(loader.resolve(dep, id)) .then(function (depId) { var depLoad = getOrCreateLoad(loader, depId, id); // depLoad.I may be undefined for already-evaluated return Promise.resolve(depLoad.I) .then(function () { if (setter) { depLoad.i.push(setter); // only run early setters when there are hoisted exports of that module // the timing works here as pending hoisted export calls will trigger through importerSetters if (depLoad.h || !depLoad.I) setter(depLoad.n); } return depLoad; }); }); })) .then(function (depLoads) { load.d = depLoads; }); }); // Capital letter = a promise function return load = loader[REGISTRY][id] = { id: id, // importerSetters, the setters functions registered to this dependency // we retain this to add more later i: importerSetters, // module namespace object n: ns, // instantiate I: instantiatePromise, // link L: linkPromise, // whether it has hoisted exports h: false, // On instantiate completion we have populated: // dependency load records d: undefined, // execution function e: undefined, // On execution we have populated: // the execution error if any er: undefined, // in the case of TLA, the execution promise E: undefined, // On execution, L, I, E cleared // Promise for top-level completion C: undefined, // parent instantiator / executor p: undefined }; } function instantiateAll (loader, load, parent, loaded) { if (!loaded[load.id]) { loaded[load.id] = true; // load.L may be undefined for already-instantiated return Promise.resolve(load.L) .then(function () { if (!load.p || load.p.e === null) load.p = parent; return Promise.all(load.d.map(function (dep) { return instantiateAll(loader, dep, parent, loaded); })); }) .catch(function (err) { if (load.er) throw err; load.e = null; throw err; }); } } function topLevelLoad (loader, load) { return load.C = instantiateAll(loader, load, load, {}) .then(function () { return postOrderExec(loader, load, {}); }) .then(function () { return load.n; }); } // the closest we can get to call(undefined) var nullContext = Object.freeze(Object.create(null)); // returns a promise if and only if a top-level await subgraph // throws on sync errors function postOrderExec (loader, load, seen) { if (seen[load.id]) return; seen[load.id] = true; if (!load.e) { if (load.er) throw load.er; if (load.E) return load.E; return; } // deps execute first, unless circular var depLoadPromises; load.d.forEach(function (depLoad) { try { var depLoadPromise = postOrderExec(loader, depLoad, seen); if (depLoadPromise) (depLoadPromises = depLoadPromises || []).push(depLoadPromise); } catch (err) { load.e = null; load.er = err; throw err; } }); if (depLoadPromises) return Promise.all(depLoadPromises).then(doExec); return doExec(); function doExec () { try { var execPromise = load.e.call(nullContext); if (execPromise) { execPromise = execPromise.then(function () { load.C = load.n; load.E = null; // indicates completion if (!true) ; }, function (err) { load.er = err; load.E = null; if (!true) ; throw err; }); return load.E = execPromise; } // (should be a promise, but a minify optimization to leave out Promise.resolve) load.C = load.n; load.L = load.I = undefined; } catch (err) { load.er = err; throw err; } finally { load.e = null; } } } envGlobal.System = new SystemJS(); /* * SystemJS browser attachments for script and import map processing */ var importMapPromise = Promise.resolve(); var importMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {}, depcache: {}, integrity: {} }; // Scripts are processed immediately, on the first System.import, and on DOMReady. // Import map scripts are processed only once (by being marked) and in order for each phase. // This is to avoid using DOM mutation observers in core, although that would be an alternative. var processFirst = hasDocument; systemJSPrototype.prepareImport = function (doProcessScripts) { if (processFirst || doProcessScripts) { processScripts(); processFirst = false; } return importMapPromise; }; if (hasDocument) { processScripts(); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', processScripts); } function processScripts () { [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('script'), function (script) { if (script.sp) // sp marker = systemjs processed return; // TODO: deprecate systemjs-module in next major now that we have auto import if (script.type === 'systemjs-module') { script.sp = true; if (!script.src) return; System.import(script.src.slice(0, 7) === 'import:' ? script.src.slice(7) : resolveUrl(script.src, baseUrl)).catch(function (e) { // if there is a script load error, dispatch an "error" event // on the script tag. if (e.message.indexOf('https://git.io/JvFET#3') > -1) { var event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('error', false, false); script.dispatchEvent(event); } return Promise.reject(e); }); } else if (script.type === 'systemjs-importmap') { script.sp = true; // The passThrough property is for letting the module types fetch implementation know that this is not a SystemJS module. var fetchPromise = script.src ? (System.fetch || fetch)(script.src, { integrity: script.integrity, passThrough: true }).then(function (res) { if (!res.ok) throw Error(res.status ); return res.text(); }).catch(function (err) { err.message = errMsg('W4', script.src ) + '\n' + err.message; console.warn(err); if (typeof script.onerror === 'function') { script.onerror(); } return '{}'; }) : script.innerHTML; importMapPromise = importMapPromise.then(function () { return fetchPromise; }).then(function (text) { extendImportMap(importMap, text, script.src || baseUrl); }); } }); } function extendImportMap (importMap, newMapText, newMapUrl) { var newMap = {}; try { newMap = JSON.parse(newMapText); } catch (err) { console.warn(Error((errMsg('W5') ))); } resolveAndComposeImportMap(newMap, newMapUrl, importMap); } /* * Script instantiation loading */ if (hasDocument) { window.addEventListener('error', function (evt) { lastWindowErrorUrl = evt.filename; lastWindowError = evt.error; }); var baseOrigin = location.origin; } systemJSPrototype.createScript = function (url) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = true; // Only add cross origin for actual cross origin // this is because Safari triggers for all // - https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=171566 if (url.indexOf(baseOrigin + '/')) script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; var integrity = importMap.integrity[url]; if (integrity) script.integrity = integrity; script.src = url; return script; }; // Auto imports -> script tags can be inlined directly for load phase var lastAutoImportDeps, lastAutoImportTimeout; var autoImportCandidates = {}; var systemRegister = systemJSPrototype.register; systemJSPrototype.register = function (deps, declare) { if (hasDocument && document.readyState === 'loading' && typeof deps !== 'string') { var scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[src]'); var lastScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1]; if (lastScript) { lastAutoImportDeps = deps; // if this is already a System load, then the instantiate has already begun // so this re-import has no consequence var loader = this; lastAutoImportTimeout = setTimeout(function () { autoImportCandidates[lastScript.src] = [deps, declare]; loader.import(lastScript.src); }); } } else { lastAutoImportDeps = undefined; } return systemRegister.call(this, deps, declare); }; var lastWindowErrorUrl, lastWindowError; systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url, firstParentUrl) { var autoImportRegistration = autoImportCandidates[url]; if (autoImportRegistration) { delete autoImportCandidates[url]; return autoImportRegistration; } var loader = this; return Promise.resolve(systemJSPrototype.createScript(url)).then(function (script) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { script.addEventListener('error', function () { reject(Error(errMsg(3, [url, firstParentUrl].join(', ') ))); }); script.addEventListener('load', function () { document.head.removeChild(script); // Note that if an error occurs that isn't caught by this if statement, // that getRegister will return null and a "did not instantiate" error will be thrown. if (lastWindowErrorUrl === url) { reject(lastWindowError); } else { var register = loader.getRegister(url); // Clear any auto import registration for dynamic import scripts during load if (register && register[0] === lastAutoImportDeps) clearTimeout(lastAutoImportTimeout); resolve(register); } }); document.head.appendChild(script); }); }); }; /* * Fetch loader, sets up shouldFetch and fetch hooks */ systemJSPrototype.shouldFetch = function () { return false; }; if (typeof fetch !== 'undefined') systemJSPrototype.fetch = fetch; var instantiate = systemJSPrototype.instantiate; var jsContentTypeRegEx = /^(text|application)\/(x-)?javascript(;|$)/; systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url, parent) { var loader = this; if (!this.shouldFetch(url)) return instantiate.apply(this, arguments); return this.fetch(url, { credentials: 'same-origin', integrity: importMap.integrity[url] }) .then(function (res) { if (!res.ok) throw Error(errMsg(7, [res.status, res.statusText, url, parent].join(', ') )); var contentType = res.headers.get('content-type'); if (!contentType || !jsContentTypeRegEx.test(contentType)) throw Error(errMsg(4, contentType )); return res.text().then(function (source) { if (source.indexOf('//# sourceURL=') < 0) source += '\n//# sourceURL=' + url; (0, eval)(source); return loader.getRegister(url); }); }); }; systemJSPrototype.resolve = function (id, parentUrl) { parentUrl = parentUrl || !true || baseUrl; return resolveImportMap((importMap), resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) || id, parentUrl) || throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl); }; function throwUnresolved (id, parentUrl) { throw Error(errMsg(8, [id, parentUrl].join(', ') )); } var systemInstantiate = systemJSPrototype.instantiate; systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url, firstParentUrl) { var preloads = (importMap).depcache[url]; if (preloads) { for (var i = 0; i < preloads.length; i++) getOrCreateLoad(this, this.resolve(preloads[i], url), url); } return systemInstantiate.call(this, url, firstParentUrl); }; /* * Supports loading System.register in workers */ if (hasSelf && typeof importScripts === 'function') systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url) { var loader = this; return Promise.resolve().then(function () { importScripts(url); return loader.getRegister(url); }); }; })();