(function(){function errMsg(errCode, msg) { return (msg || "") + " (SystemJS Error#" + errCode + " " + "https://git.io/JvFET#" + errCode + ")"; }/* * Support for a "transform" loader interface * * Note: This extra is deprecated and will be removed in the next major. */ (function (global) { var systemJSPrototype = global.System.constructor.prototype; var instantiate = systemJSPrototype.instantiate; systemJSPrototype.instantiate = function (url, parent) { if (url.slice(-5) === '.wasm') return instantiate.call(this, url, parent); var loader = this; return fetch(url, { credentials: 'same-origin' }) .then(function (res) { if (!res.ok) throw Error(errMsg(7, 'Fetch error: ' + res.status + ' ' + res.statusText + (parent ? ' loading from ' + parent : ''))); return res.text(); }) .then(function (source) { return loader.transform.call(this, url, source); }) .then(function (source) { (0, eval)(source + '\n//# sourceURL=' + url); return loader.getRegister(url); }); }; // Hookable transform function! systemJSPrototype.transform = function (_id, source) { return source; }; })(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : global);})();